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    Humility and Freedom

    “There is something in humility which strangely exalts the heart.” – St. Augustine Being human, I spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about myself. My appearance, whether I appear intelligent and competent to others, and whether I’m getting what I deserve out of every situation are all popular subjects for my internal monologue. Rarely does the reality match up with my ideal. In fact, the more I obsess over these questions, the unhappier I become. It’s taken me a long time to realize the extent to which these thoughts are rooted in pride, and even longer for me to realize how deftly pride can rob us of our peace…

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    A Fall Fun Bucket List

    I find the fall season utterly enchanting. Many people don’t like the drop in temperature and decrease in light, but the onset of autumn fills me with a deep sense of contentment that’s hard to describe. It’s not the lighthearted joy of spring, when we feel our cares lifting away. Fall marks a return to the responsibilities we held onto more loosely in summer, but it also presents us with an opportunity to consider these responsibilities and priorities, and examine whether they’re in line with our visions for our lives. Autumn is a grounding time, one I’ve personally found better for setting intentions than the start of the New Year.…