
Winter 2020 Book Recommendations

Winter has arrived, and many of us are settling in for what’s sure to be a long few months at home. How better to pass the time than with a good book? In that spirit, I decided to offer five book recommendations for the upcoming season, just like I did last fall. I’ve read and enjoyed all of the following books; any of them would make great companions for cold winter nights.

1. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
Anna Karenina is a sprawling novel, epic in its scope, which tells the story of an aristocratic woman who embarks on an extramarital affair. Everyone should read this classic at least once; it has many profound lessons to offer on life, love, and responsibility.

2. The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden
This fantasy novel takes place in a medieval Russian village. It’s the dead of winter, and strange and unsettling forces are preying on the isolated community. It’s up to the spirited heroine, who can see nature spirits, to rescue the people who misunderstand her.

3. Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie
This mystery will have you on the edge of your seat! The detective Poirot is traveling on the Orient Express train when one of his fellow passengers is found murdered. Poirot must discover which of the remaining passengers is the killer.

4. Out of Africa by Isak Dinesen
If you’re looking for a true escape, let Isak Dinesen tell you the story of her farm in Africa and all the adventures she had while living there. This is a really well-written memoir that will pull you in so effectively you feel like you’re in Africa, too.

5. Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky
This list is rather heavy on Russian novels, but they really do lend themselves well to winter since they demand time and focused attention. Crime and Punishment is certainly no exception, but it’s so worth the effort. It’s about a man who commits a murder early on in the story, and spends the rest of the book contending with the life-changing results of his decision.

Please comment below with your own favorites!

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